Why did you join SVP Portland?

SVP Portland’s network of business professionals contribute their skills pro bono to our partner organizations. These Investor Partners want to invest in our community, work hand-in-hand with the nonprofits we support, and advance equity in early learning. They bring skills from all professional sectors and have a multitude of lived experiences that enable us to build trusting relationships with the nonprofit community. 

If you want to join this incredible group of professionals who are working to address our greatest community challenges, contact us! But don’t just take our word for it – consider these reasons why some of our Partners joined SVP.

Brayam Sanchez, Investor Partner:

“SVP is not a group that simply raises money, grants it, and moves on. Rather, SVP is deeply focused on the organizations with whom it partners and truly cares about their successes. It is also great to see that there is so much passion from the Partners to make a difference – they use their expertise to amplify impact, going so far beyond solely monetary contributions.”

Kelly Starkey, Investor Partner:

“What brought me to SVP Portland—and what keeps me here after eight years—is that our model has proven time and time again that my philanthropic dollars are best invested here. Why? Because SVP’s very mission is to invest in other nonprofit organizations and enable them with both dollars and professional expertise.”

Elise Bouneff, Business Partner:

“Heritage Bank focuses on serving and supporting nonprofits as both a financial institution and community partner. SVP’s model is compelling because we can join with like-minded businesses and individuals throughout Portland to focus on an issue together for greater impact.”

Jodi Hummer, Investor Partner:

“I was attracted to SVP for the unique opportunity to collaborate with generous, kind people who can collectively make a big impact in their community by investing time and money, instead of just writing a check. It is a different way of volunteering, and it's a unique way of giving. We truly feel we are building valuable relationships and it is great to know that we’re helping organizations add to the tools they need to be successful.”


Announcing Matching Fund Grant Recipients!


Meet our new board member, Eva Maribona!